April 2020
Hello and welcome to April’s newsletter. With everything happening in the world at the moment we want to let you know we are thinking of you and hope you are keeping safe.
Due to COVID-19 our Smiles are still currently postponed. We will keep you informed when we know more. We love sending Smiles and can’t wait to get back to regular scheduling as soon as possible.
Support us
One way you can still support us during these difficult times is through online shopping. If you are doing your shopping online do it through AmazonSmile or Easy Fundraising and you will be raising money for us at the same time. AmazonSmile is for shopping with Amazon and Easy Fundraising is for shopping with the majority of other online shops including some supermarkets. Sign up with the links below and when you shop we receive a donation at no extra cost to you.
AmazonSmile – smile.amazon.co.uk/ch/1185760-0
Easy Fundraising – easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/smileforme
Facebook Donations
We are now registered with Facebook donations so you can support us during your birthday fundraiser or create a fundraiser for any occasion by selecting Smile For ME as your chosen charity www.facebook.com/fund/SmileForME.
You can also support us with a fundraiser on Instagram. Add the donation sticker to your story and select Smile For ME as your chosen charity.
We really appreciate your support thank you!
Thinking of those who had fundraising plans for us which have had to be postponed or cancelled. We are really grateful for your support and we look forward to your special events happening in the future.
Next month there is an online fundraiser taking place called Blue Sunday. Blue Sunday is an annual tea party created by the wonderful Anna to raise awareness of ME and money for ME charities whilst enjoying some cake. This year’s virtual tea party will be held on Sunday 17th May 2020.
How to join
- Dig out your favourite mug or loveliest tea set
- Make sure there’s cake in the house
- Drink tea and eat cake
- Take a photo of you doing so and post it on social media with the hashtag #bluesunday2020
- Chat with others online, comment on how delicious each other’s cakes look or swap your favourite recipes
- Donate the price you’d expect to pay for tea and cake in a café to the Smile For ME Blue Sunday fundraising page if you’re in a position to do so
As this year is a bit different due to COVID-19 restrictions Blue Sunday tea parties cannot take place as normal but you can be inventive. Share a tea party online via video chat with your family, friends or neighbours and enjoy catching up whilst supporting Blue Sunday.
You can donate directly through the links below or if you would rather create your own fundraiser to see how much you and your family, friends or neighbours can raise you are welcome to do so.
Virgin Money Giving – Blue Sunday fundraiser
Facebook Donations – Blue Sunday fundraiser
Alphabet smile game
Throughout the month on our social media we played the alphabet smile game to try to keep you smiling whilst we have postponed sending our Smiles. Thank you to everyone who joined in, we loved reading what made you smile with a certain letter of the alphabet each day. We hope that by you sharing some of your smiles it can help others to find a smile too ?
We have another little game planned that is happening sometime soon so keep an eye out on our social media Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Thank you’s
Thank you so much to those who donated to us this month. We understand that it is a difficult time for many people but your continued support means such a lot. Please be assured, although we have temporarily postponed sending our Smiles, the money will be used to help us send Smiles in the future.
A special thank you to those who donated to my birthday fundraiser on Facebook and those who donated through Virgin Money Giving as well. Thanks to your kindness and generosity you helped raised an incredible £485 making it a birthday to remember.
Coming up next month
1 week about ME is a photo and message challenge created by Vicky to raise awareness and help other sufferers feel less alone. During ME Awareness Week 11th-17th May you can join in on social media with #1weekaboutME to help raise awareness and connect with others.