About Smile For ME
Founded in 2012 Smile For ME is a UK charity for ME sufferers and their carers. We are a small team of 4 Trustees and we know just how lonely and isolating ME can be so we aim to help those affected by sending personalised presents, which we call Smiles, to show someone cares. Through donations, fundraising and kind support we aim to spread a smile and help raise awareness and understanding of ME.
How it works
Anyone can nominate an ME sufferer or their carer for a Smile by completing the nomination form found on our website. Nomination forms are reviewed and successful nominees receive Smiles. We ask for information about the nominees to try to make the Smiles as personalised as possible. Smiles are thoughtfully chosen, wrapped in our signature blue kraft paper, decorated with twine and stamped with our logo, before sending them with love.
How Smile For ME began
Smile For ME was launched because of personal experience of ME. I (Alice) found my life completely changed after being diagnosed with ME in 2009. It was very isolating and lonely, I could no longer do basic daily tasks or any of the things I loved. Friendships and support systems ended making it even harder. I turned online to social media and found a community of people who were going through the same thing. We became pen pals which was when I realised just how special getting a card through the post was. It was contact from the outside world and it always made my day. I was determined something good would come out of having ME and I just wanted to make others smile. I thought if getting a card made me smile what would getting a present do? And that’s how Smile For ME began.
Meet the team

Alice Wright
Co-Founder & Trustee
I am proud to have Co-Founded Smile For ME at age 17 and later when old enough became a Trustee. At age 14 I contracted swine flu and was later diagnosed with ME. Experiencing not only the debilitating illness but the complete and sudden change in life and the isolation it brings is what makes me so passionate about Smile For ME. It has given me a purpose and helps me knowing that I am helping others in the same position by reminding them they are not alone.

Clive Wright
Chair & Trustee
Dad of Alice and Co-Founder, Chair and Trustee. I have experienced first-hand the impact ME has had on life whilst supporting and caring for my children. Having previously held chair roles through local government initiatives and within school governor services over many years it is my pleasure to be a part of Smile For ME. I am proud to support those affected with ME by acknowledging the suffering and trying to make a difference in a small way.

Wendy Jones
Treasurer & Trustee
I am ACA qualified and have extensive finance experience in audit and large financial services organisations holding various roles in the companies. I bring experience of volunteer work as a Junior School Governor where during my 10 year tenure, I held various roles including Chair of Finance Committee and Chair of Governors. Meeting Clive through the Governor role, I got to know about the impact of ME on the Wright family and wanted to help. I am proud to support the work of Smile For ME which brings important breakthroughs into this isolation, and endeavours to raise awareness of the condition more widely.

Jacqueline Wright
Secretary & Trustee
I am proud to be part of Smile For ME as Alice’s Mum, Co-Founder, Secretary and Trustee. Through personal experience of being a carer I have witnessed the huge impact ME has on all aspects of life not only for sufferers but for carers as well. Family being my priority it became sadly necessary to give up work as a Learning Support Assistant to become a full-time carer. I feel it is important to show someone cares, you are not alone and we do understand.