April 2018
We sent 12 Smiles this month. Items included bath bombs, face masks, vouchers, books, games, cuddly toys, candles, socks, mugs and hot water bottles. You can nominate an ME sufferer or carer for a smile on our nomination page.
Just to inform you – We, like many other organisations, are looking at how we ensure compliance of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for Smile For ME.
Carers Week
National Carers week is coming up on the 11th-17th June and we’ve teamed up with Bear Hug Gifts this year to celebrate wonderful carers by sending them a special smile hug. We normally send smile presents to ME sufferers and carers but for carers week we want to do something special just for carers to remind them how much they are appreciated. You can nominate your carer through our nomination form to receive a special hug hamper. Nominations close on the 31st May to insure your carer receives it during carers week.
Nominate your carer for special carers week smile HERE
Smile of the month
To give you a laugh this month’s smile of the month is pictures of my brother pretending to be a model wearing our smile clothing.
What’s made you smile recently?
Shop of the month
This month’s shop of the month is Buzz & Bear a crystal and stones jewellery Etsy shop run by Laura. Here’s more about Laura and her shop in her own words.Hello! ?
I’m Laura, Pug mother and owner of little Etsy shop, BUZZandBEAR. A home for jewellery, crystals and stones!
I was diagnosed with M.E. 10 years ago, (POTS and HSD have also joined me too along the way!). Throughout ‘better’ health periods I studied Law, and worked full time at an Accountants. And throughout not so better health periods, I was completely bedridden.
Not being in any physical state to even stand up (let alone work a ‘normal’ job), I was in a place unfortunately I’m sure you know. I wanted something to occupy my mind and be a focus – I could lay in bed and think about what I might call my shop, imagine what sort of things I could create, how i’d write the listing, anything.
Then at the start of this year, BUZZandBEAR was born!
Choosing the name BUZZandBEAR wasn’t hard at all, naturally my two handsome boys had to be involved! (See how gorgeous they are! Although I may be biased…). I think my favourite pieces at the moment are the ‘EDS’ Zebra Stone pendants – a special one for the super spoonies!
I’m so excited to be Smile For ME’s Shop of the Month! I have been so truly overwhelmed with the support and kind words I’ve received – I am very proud to be a part of the spoonie community!
Sending you all the spoons in the world,
Keep going,
Laura x
All the items pictured and more are available to buy on her Etsy page which can be found at etsy.com/shop/BUZZandBEAR. Laura has kindly given a special discount code SMILEFORME for 10% off. Please check it out and show your support to Laura.
Many M.E sufferers aren’t able to work due to their health but some people run online shops from their home/bed so we would love to be able to help support M.E sufferers business in a small way by shining a light on their shop. If you have a online shop you can recommend to us, run by an M.E suffer or carer please email us at smileformecharity@gmail.com with the information and it may be used in a following month.
Thank you
A special thank you to those who have donated money to us this month. Your kindness allows us to continue sending smile presents so we can’t thank you enough. Your support really means a lot. Thank you so much ?