November 2021
Hello and welcome to November’s newsletter. Hope you have had the best month possible.
15 Smiles were sent to both ME sufferers and carers of all ages this month. The items included in our Smiles change all the time as we personalise them to each person’s likes and interests. Some of the items included this month were blankets, Marvel socks, Pokemon trinkets, Disney jigsaw, cuddly toys, crystals, personalised baking equipment, string art craft set, book vouchers, gaming vouchers, aromatherapy oils, hand cream, sweets and chocolate.
Follow up from a previous Smile
Earlier this year we sent a Smile which included a jigsaw. The recipient sent us a wonderful photo this month letting us know they have completed it and we thought we would share.
You can nominate an ME sufferer or carer of any age in the UK to receive a Smile by completing the Smile For ME nomination form. Repeat nominations are considered after the timescale of 2 years however new nominations will be prioritised.
After we have received your nomination we will reach out to let you know whether or not your nomination has been successful and if so which month the Smile will be sent. For more information check out our nominate page.
Smile of the month
What’s made you smile this month? Each month we ask this question on social media and we love hearing the responses. We hope by sharing some of your smiles it can help others to find a smile too.
What’s made you smile this month?
Share a story
This month’s share a story is by Hazel. Thank you Hazel for sharing your personal experience of ME.
I’m Hazel and I’ve had quite severe M.E. since 2004. Judging by my friends with M.E I got it later on in life as I got ill soon after my 30th birthday. Most of my friends with M.E have had it since childhood.
I’ve always considered myself disabled though as I’m partially deaf. I never let this hold me back or get in the way. I also had surgery on my head which led to a few extra complications. There’s a few things I cannot do for medical reasons such as bungee jump – phew! However I could parachute jump which I did when I was 17 in aid of Mencap.
Why am I telling you this? I want to explain that I adopted this approach to living life with M.E. I can hear you groaning already…no I haven’t walked Snowdon whilst ill or parachuted etc. I am fully aware that there can be huge consequences to over doing things and that can be even after the simplest of tasks. I used to get breathless just putting my socks on. What I mean is be brave and push your boundaries every so often, don’t over-do it though. Keep it simple. Bear in mind you may not always be successful but don’t let this deter you. For you may succeed. If we don’t test our limitations/boundaries every so often we won’t know if we’ve progressed or not. Recovery from M.E is possible as is recovering some of the skills/abilities that we have lost due to this wretched illness but be warned progress can be slow very slow. For example, I can now apply moisturiser to my chest and arms without pain and breathlessness – woohoo, go me! It may seem trivial to some people but progress is still progress no matter how small. May you find courage to push your boundaries/limits so you can potentially know and find improvements in your health. Don’t be reckless though, take baby steps.
Don’t get me wrong, I still have quite severe M.E but any progress is good progress. Here’s hoping you all have your own small wins. Sending love and hugs to you all xx
Go Fund Me
Due to the closure of Virgin Money Giving this month we have changed fundraising platforms and we are now registered with Go Fund Me. One off donations and fundraising pages can be made through Smile For MEs Go Fund Me page.
Support us
Are you holiday shopping? Why not support us at the same time through AmazonSmile and Easy Fundraising. Sign up with the links below and when you shop we receive a donation at no extra cost to you.
Thank you to those who have already signed up and shopped. We have received £287.14 from AmazonSmile and £987.04 from Easy Fundraising thanks to your support.
Lauren has kindly been fundraising for us since 2020 with her business Wrapsie Woo. She is generously continuing to fundraise for us this time with a Christmas theme.
Lauren’s Mum says ‘“Lauren loves to raise money for this very special charity that was there and helped at one of her lowest points. Lauren taught herself, whilst laid up in bed to do these creative wraps etc. Her festive fundraiser for this year, are these unique, self designed keyrings, Perfect for a Christmas Stocking, Christmas Eve Box or present. Each made to order keyring costs just £3.50. £1.00 from every keryring purchased will be donated to Smile For ME, the remaining amount will literally cover materials used & P+P. To order, please email Lauren directly at & she will be very happy to help you.”
Thank you Lauren and Claire for your support.
Thank you’s
To everyone who has supported us this month thank you! We are so grateful for the kindness and generosity you show us. It means such a lot because it enables us to continue sending Smiles to those affected by ME. A big thank you to Nikki, Tracy, Debbie, Anthony, Pauline, Dionne, Lorna, Sharon and Lynn.
A special thank you to Becca who kindly chose to support us by donating her commission from her tropic business greeting mystery bags.
Another special thank you to Abbie and Debbie who raised an amazing £203.12 by dressing up in wonderful costumes of Mario, Luigi, Elsa and Maleficent, posing for photos and collecting donations. Thank you to everyone who kindly supported their event.
Thank you to everyone who joined in with Easy Fundraising’s Spin To Win November Giveaway. Every 10p won added up and £25.20 was raised for us.
A big thank you and good luck to everyone involved in Schroders Personal Wealth Disability Awareness Network fundraiser.